
August 4, 2011

Protect the Boss(2011)

Details Title: 보스를 지켜라 / Boseureul Jikyeora Previously known as: 보스가 달라졌어요 The Boss Has Changed / 마지막 여비서 The Last Secretary Genre: Romance, comedy Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: SBS Broadcast period: 2011-Aug-03 to TBA Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55 Synopsis No Eun Seol finally gets a job as a secretary at a law firm after struggling...

August 4, 2011

Scent of a Woman(2011)

Details Title: 여인의 향기 / Yeoineui Hyanggi Genre: Romance Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: SBS Broadcast period: 2011-Jul-23 to 2011-Sep-?? Air time: Saturday & Sunday 21:50 Synopsis A woman, Lee Yeon Jae, is given the grim prognosis that she only has a short time left to live. She decides to quit her job at a travel agency and live her life to...

August 4, 2011

Hartstrings (2011)

HEARTSTRINGS (2011)넌 내게 반했어 / Neon Naege BanhaesseoInfo : 넌 내게 반했어 / Neon Naege BanhaesseoEnglish Title : HeartstringsAlso Known as: Festival / You've Fallen for MeGenre: Romance, musicEpisodes: 16Broadcast network: MBCBroadcast period: 2011-Jun-29 to 2011-Aug-18Air time: Wednesday...

September 22, 2008


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March 13, 2008

[Single] Tohoshinki - Keyword / Maze, Pop/Rock (Released March 12, 2008)

Tohoshinki - Keyword / MazeRelease Date: March 12, 2008Language: JapaneseGenre: Pop/RockArtist: Male groupKeyword / Maze is Tohoshinki's 21st single and the fifth from the TRICK series. Support Tohoshinki by purchasing this single.Btw, sorry for the lack of updates. Starting tomorrow, I'll be catching up.Track list:01. Keyword02. Maze (JEJUNG from...

March 11, 2008

[Single] Tohoshinki - Close to you / Crazy Life (Released March 5, 2008)

"Close to you / Crazy Life" is Tohoshinki's 20th single and the fourth from the T.R.I.C.K series.Genre : PopEncoded : 256kbpsFile Size : 28.56MBTracklist :01. Close to you02. Crazy Life (YUNHO from Tohoshinki)03. Close to you -Less Vocal-04. Crazy Life -Less Vocal-credit by GhostShell@z-degr...

March 11, 2008

[Single] Tohoshinki - If...!? / Rainy Night (Released February 27, 2008)

"If...!? / Rainy Night" is Tohoshinki's 19th single and the third from the T.R.I.C.K series.Genre : Pop/BalladEncoded : 320kbpsFile Size : 36.81MBTracklist :01. If...!?02. Rainy Night (JUNSU from Tohoshinki)03. If...!? -Less Vocal-04. Rainy Night -Less Vocal- (JUNSU from Tohoshinki)credit by GhostShell@z-degr...

February 13, 2008

Laptor Asus Eee Habis Diserbu Pembeli

Hari sabtu lalu (26/Januari/2008), ratusan orang mengantri dalam penjualan perdana laptop super murah produksi Asus, Eee, di Mall Kelapa Gaduing II Atrium, Jakarta. Antrian ini terjadi sejak pukul 08.00 WIB meski pihak Asus Indonesia baru membuka penjualan tersebut pukul 2 siang. Dalam setengah hari saja seluruh Eee PC (begitu pihak Asus menyebutnya) ludes dibeli konsumen. Sebelum diluncurkan secara global, harga Eee PC diperkirakan hanya US$ 200 saja namun ketika dijual harganya menjadi Rp 3,6 juta. Itupun bagi Asus Eee yang dilengkapi dengan...

February 13, 2008

Asus G1S: Notebook untuk Gamer

Performa prosesor dan kartu gafis notebook yang semakin bagus memunculkan notebook yang menyasar kalangan gamer. Salah satunya adalah Asus G1S, notebook layar 15,4 inci yang dilengkapi dengan kartu grafis kelas menengah dari nVidia, GeForce 8600M GT. Kartu grafis ini juga telah mendukung DirectX 10, sehingga mendukung semua feature yang ditawarkan Vista. Karena mencoba memuaskan gamer, Asus mencoba tampil tuntas di sisi tata suara. Untuk menimbulkan sensasi suara yang memukau, GS1 memiliki speaker di sisi kiri, kanan, dan bawah notebook. Konfigurasi...

February 12, 2008

[Single] Tohoshinki - Runaway My Girlfriend (Trick V.2) Released Feb 12, 2008

Artist: TohoshinkiSingle: Runaway / My Girlfriend (Trick Version 2)Language: JapaneseGenre: R&B, Pop, BalladRelease Date: 12-February-2008Bitrate: 320kbs01 Runaway02 My Girlfriend -YUCHUN from TOHOSHINKI-03 Runaway (Less Vocal)04 My Girlfriend -YUCHUN from TOHOSHINKI- (Less Vocal)Download:credit by radiantfire@z-degreesor[ zShare ]credit by Ba...